Obliquestra was founded May Day, 2021 as live music began a tentative sprouting from the ashes of the pandemic. What is an Obliquestra? It is what happens when diabolical fiddler and neo-vaudevillian Dr. Sick, accordion tickler and composer David Symons, Bavarian clarinet wunderkind Susanne Ortner, sprightly banjoman Aaron Gunn, and punk rocker turned suit wearing jazz bassist Stoo Odom get in a room together and play whatever music they most enjoy, including Moldovan klezmer, Brazilian choro, New Orleans jazz, old novelty songs, tin pan alley, Russian and French waltzes, German cabaret songs, original chamber folk pieces, and all the et ceteras the mind can conjure.


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My Little Buttercup
Ich weiß nicht, zu wem ich gehöre
Das Lied von der Moldau